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Topics Discussed

Member Buckets \ back space \ removal of member storage. - Diyode-Quassel

Terry will continue to clean and remove stairs. Eva will send an e-mail reminding members to remove personal belongings from the area being cleaned

Funds for learning projects: - simonclark_thr

Eva will forward information to someone who may be interested.

someone is giving away photography equipment like enlargers and analog studio equipment. Does Diyode need this? - automageek

Eva will forward information to someone who may be interested.

Satish and project update - Diyode-Quassel

Eva will connect Satish with someone who is interested. (Linded and Gavin)

artist in residence selection - Diyode-Quassel

Selection committee has selected someone. Letters will be sent soon. Gavin is interested in expending the program and creating more media attention. The possibility of providing funding for art supplies was brought up.

planer - Diyode-Quassel

Currently not working, blades need sharpening. Members are concerned about tool abuse. The possibility of putting fobs on tools was brought up. Ken and Simon will talk about putting fobs on certain tools.

Meeting Notes

Lights - Eva will replace some.

Members Present