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Topics Discussed

Can the cubs come back to visit DiYode on May 27th? - simon_clark

The cubs who visited last year and toured the shop would like to visit again; this would involve running the rocket launcher or spinny table. Mark and Tony to host.

codeshield grande - simon_clark

Seth to do sensors, Ed to do buttons, Eva to do resistors, Simon to do rotary and knobs, Verdi doing the board, Brennan doing the servo, Tony doing driver board and power supply. It's due in two weeks.

reorganization next steps (maybe) - simon_clark

Back room has some potential and we're not living up to it. We need to keep working ahead at it. We should also schedule one day to do a major clean up first. (After the maker faire). ReStore can have the centre display; Mark to barter for supplies.

Southern Ontario Amazing Race - simon_clark

Would like to do an electrical challenge here, on Sunday June 9th; Challenge should take at approximately 20 minutes. General consensus is we'll support this. It overlaps with the smoker workshop, so we may have to make some logistical accomodations. Tony to look into kits.

Jazz festival instllation - automageek

Looking for diy instruments for a piece, and ideally a few extras that others (kids!) could play. To help, contact Steve Mason or Eva.

Newark purchasing account - Diyode-Quassel

Going to apply for a credit account at Newark for raspberry pis.

Creative Space Initiative : GAC - Diyode-Quassel

Seth received an email about the GAC Creative Space Initiative, inviting him to represent Diyode. Mark to join.

Meeting Notes

Mary is a local print maker who is looking to make a printing press and is looking for a mentor within Diyode to teach her how to fabricate parts. Jason volunteered.
Christoph's workshop this past weekend was a success, and he thanks everybody for hosting and supporting it.

Members Present

Verdi Rodrigues-Diamond, Brennan McKillop, Simon Clark, Peter Coleman, Liam Mayes