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Topics Discussed

Third meeting week is cake week. Part chocolate, part vanilla. Incenitive for attendance - Eva Bodahelyi

We have cake!! Woo HOO!!!!!

Motion to bid on 17" General Bandsaw, up to $1200 + shipping and premium. Andrew W will register the bid - Motion Carried - Andrew Weeks

done. New saw is here! Thank you Andrew!

Implement motion passed at the agm regarding delinquent membership dues. Email is ready to be sent out to membership outlining the format. - Lori Anne Brown


Andrew's Kids Activity Days - Eva Bodahelyi

Andrew was here with his kids on he weekend when they suggested some sort of kids day. He was thinking once every 2 weeks bases on SCOPES only tools appropriate to Skills Canada. Parents could be here or go elsewhere. Dave was consulted, and is OK with that. He would be doing it as a volunteer. Help would be appreciated. The group says they like it! Andrew will consider the details and send an email.

Meeting Notes

Members Present