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Topics Discussed

Toronto Mini Maker Faire - simon_clark

21st and 22nd of September. That's three weeks away.

Donna Jennison and a cider press - simon_clark

Donna Jennison is from Transition Guelph. They are doing an apple picking / cider making thing, and want to know if we have / can build a cider press for the end of September. If you're interested in helping, contact Simon.

Seth's car show - mobi_clark

On the 22nd (yes, the same weekend again) is the Toronto Electric Vehicle show. Seth would like to host an alternative power vehicle show here at Diyode. If you are interested in helping or organizing, see Seth. He's aiming for October.

raspberry pi week - simon_clark

We prepared over five hundred raspberry pi kits. Our current limitation is cases, but we should have enough to get the first 600 kits out easily. This week, we're selling kits out of the Reynolds Building on Wednesday and Thursday, between 9am and 5pm.

big pople - simon_clark

Big Brothers and Sisters approached us. They're looking for activities for unattached kids. They talked about coming and seeing the shop. They will come out on a Monday and pitch us.

wishlisty thingy timey wimey thing - simon_clark

We've started a wishlist for tools with any excess budget we may have.

Meeting Notes

Workshops: We should manage more workshops, or put out a call to get people to run workshops. Also, Rich's Scherazade children's music event is coming up on Saturday.

Members Present