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Topics Discussed

old thickness planner. - John Roberts


we have 3 drill presses, but only need 2. - John Roberts

We will keep them

scroll saw - Mauro De Liberali

not working? Mark used the small one 3 weeks ago. 4" blade is too short. 5 1/4 ' blade fits. Mark bought a 6 " blade and cut it down

do we need 'y' splitter in dust collector for planner and jointer ? - John Roberts

they are all dedicated dust collectors now. Jointer doesn't have a collector yet. Could share with band saw.

reminder that there are 25 labeleld pictures as "POLL" once you sign in, and everyone is encouraged to give their comments - Eva Bodahelyi


Electronics location - John Roberts

done it

Wood shop update - John Roberts


metal shop organization - Eva Bodahelyi

Bridgeport needs calibration Ceiling needs to be done first . Duct in ceiling for vent between rafters in ceiling. Drywall first We will put together a list of tasks and post it

Meeting Notes

Members Present