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Topics Discussed

Musagetes Workshop on August 20 and 22nd - simon_clark

They're interested in using our workshop again to build boxes. They will be bringing their own materials. That's a Tuesday and Thursday night.

How do people feel about adding improvements to the cooler box of andys ice cream bike / make it a sort of diyode project in return for adveirtising on the bike? - Diyode-Quassel

Anybody interested in pimping Andy's ride, see Andy. He'll be posting on the mailing list.

codeshield hard launch - simon_clark

Hard launch is tomorrow.

makerfaire detroit - simon_clark

Makerfaire Detroit is this coming weekend. Seth, Tony, Sheena, Simon and Dahlia are going.

truck shocks - simon_clark

The truck needs new rear shocks. They are dead. Ex-shocks. They are nailed to the perch. It's about $70/shock, plus volunteer time to replace 'em. In the mean time, be very careful driving the truck.

Meeting Notes

Jameco build night is coming up on August 7th.
Seth will be starting on the vacuformer after makerfaire.

Members Present

James McKeown, Simon Clark, Theo Bakker, Verdi Rodrigues-Diamond